Monday, 28 March 2011

Apparatus Used for Thriller

We used different apparatus for filming our thriller. Our major incentive was to gain a better quality picture than the usual poorer quality video cameras, as I personally believe that if the definition of a film is lacking then i find myself de-sensitising to the plot and becoming constantly reminded that I am watching a film, therefore not becoming submerged within the plot and connected to the characters. So, we began a search for alternatives, eventually, we were able to lay our hands on a 'Kodak ZX1 HD camera' courtesy of our teacher, which accordingly, created a more professional impression.


  • Higher Definition (better quality picture)
  • Easily maneuverable 
  • Easily operable, even for an amateur
  • Easily transferable media, via memory card that
    can be placed directly in to a computer
However, there were always going to be setbacks
  • Poor microphone
  • Low battery life
  • Relatively difficult to fix upon a tripod

We utilised a tripod, that we borrowed from school, it is easily assembled and used in the majority of our shots, having a steady camera is crucial in the plight to create an entertaining piece, unless of course an unsteady camera is used to evoke certain emotions or create certain effects.

We also borrowed a tripod wheels fixture, allowing us to move the camera for tracking shots and to smoothly move around effortlessly. I feel we were lucky to have come across this fixture, as without it our film would not be as impressive. 


We used simple spotlights, to create artificial light. We have learned that in order to create a good piece. The most artificial light available is in order to conjure a good environment to film in. As it is better to make a shot darker than to lighten it on editing software, as lightening a shot would worsen the quality.

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