The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) is responsible for setting age ratings and limitations on all films released in the UK. It regulates for the wellbeing of consumers and gives trustworthy ratings, so that everyone can be comfortable with what they view. Most thrillers are certificate 15 or above, due to imminent threat, use of drugs and sexual situations that are simply not appropriate for pre-adolescent viewers
'U' film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. ‘U’ films should be set within a positive setting and have good humanistic morals for children to learn from and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror.
Parental Guidance - This certificate denotes viewing for the general public and should not disturb any children over 8 years old. Parents are advised to review the film and take it upon themselves to decide if their children are ready for the implications 'PG' brings.
Certificates 12 and 12A, are given to films that are only suitable for people that are 12 years old and over. It is not advised for anyone under 12 to view a film in this category as they may be upset/disturbed. 12A is for cinema use only, in which someone under 12 may watch if accompanied by a consenting adult, giving the responsibility to judge whether the child is suited enough for the film. Coherently, no one under 12 may purchase a certificate '12' film.
No one younger than 15, may view a certificate '15' film, accordingly, no one under the age of 15 may purchase a certificate '15' film.
The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.
Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.
Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.
Imitable Behaviour
Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.
There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, ‘fuck’). The strongest terms (for example, ‘cunt’) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.
Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.
Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.
No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.Violenc
No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.
Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.

No one under the age of 18 may watch a certificate '18' in the cinema. No one under the age of 18 may purchase a certificate '18' film.
The law states adults should be free to choose their own entertainment, however exceptions may apply in situations such as;
No one under the age of 18 may watch a certificate '18' in the cinema. No one under the age of 18 may purchase a certificate '18' film.
The law states adults should be free to choose their own entertainment, however exceptions may apply in situations such as;
- where the material is in breach of the criminal law, or has been created through the commission of a criminal offence
The ‘R18’ category is a special and legally restricted classification primarily for explicit works of pornography. May only be shown to adults in specially licensed cinemas.
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